Hip Flexibility Exercises

The following exercises are designed to restore movement to the hip and improve flexibility of muscles crossing the hip. If you are injured, you should discuss the suitability of these exercises with your physiotherapist prior to beginning them. Generally, they should be performed 3 times daily provided they do not cause or increase pain:

Hip Flexibility – Basic Exercises

1) Hip Flexion (figure 1) – Take your knee to your chest as far as possible pain-free. Repeat 20 times.


2) Hip Abduction (figure 2) – Keeping your knee straight, take your leg to the side as far as possible
pain-free. Keep your knee cap and toes facing the ceiling. Repeat 20 times.


3) Hip External Rotation (figure 3) – Begin with your knee bent and foot flat on the floor. Take your
knee to the side as far as possible pain-free. Repeat 20 times.


4) Hip Extension in Lying (figure 4) – Begin lying on your back, with your buttocks at the very edge
of a bench or bed. Take one knee towards your chest as far as possible, letting the other leg drop
down towards the floor. Hold for 5 seconds, 10 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.


5) Gluteal Stretch (Figure 5) – Lying on your back, using your hands, take your knee towards your
opposite shoulder until you feel a stretch in the buttocks or front of your hip. Hold for 15 seconds, 4
times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.


6) Adductor Stretch (left leg – figure 6) – Standing tall, back straight, place your feet approximately
twice shoulder width apart. Gently lunge to one side, keeping your other knee straight, until you
feel a stretch in the groin (of your straight leg). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate
stretch pain-free.


7) Psoas Stretch (figure 7) – Begin in the lunge position, with the leg to be stretched behind you.
Keeping your back straight and buttock muscles contracted, gently lunge forwards until you feel a
stretch in the front of your hip. Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.


Hip Flexibility – Less Common Exercises

8) ITB Stretch (figure 8) – Cross the leg to be stretched behind your other leg, taking it as far as you
comfortably can. Then push your hips to the side of your leg to be stretched until you feel a stretch
in your outer thigh / hip. Keep your back straight. Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate
stretch pain-free.


9) Prone Gluteal Stretch (figure 9) – Begin this stretch on your hands and knees. Place the leg to be
stretched under your stomach / chest, with your knee in front of your hips and your foot to the side
as demonstrated (figure 9). Gently lower your upper body onto your leg, keeping your back leg
straight, until you feel a stretch in the buttocks. Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate
stretch pain-free.


10) Long Sitting Gluteal Stretch (figure 10) – Begin sitting on the floor with both legs in front of you.
Place your foot of the leg to be stretched on the other side of your straight leg as demonstrated
(figure 10). Keeping your back straight, pull the leg to be stretched towards your chest, until you feel
a stretch in the buttocks. Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.


11) Hip Internal Rotation Stretch (figure 11) – Begin lying on your back, feet on the floor and twice
shoulder width apart. Gently bring your knees towards each other, until you feel a stretch in your
hips. Hold for 5 seconds, 10 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.


12) Quadriceps Stretch (figure 12) – Use a chair or table for balance. Take your heel towards your
bottom, keeping your knees together and your back straight until you feel a stretch in the front of
your thigh. Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.


13) Hamstring Stretch (figure 13) – Place your foot on a step or chair. Keep your knee and back
straight, lean forward at your hips until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh / knee. Hold for
15 seconds 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.